Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mulch Madness!

Everybody pitches in to help. It was a great Saturday workday for planting flowers and working in gardens. Mountains of mulch were delivered to the property and able-bodied volunteers donned gloves, shovels and rakes and helped spread it around the many gardens of the 2009 Pasadena Showcase House. Be sure to visit our website to order your tickets http://www.pasadenashowcase.org/

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Progress Everyday

Amazing transformations are happening daily. Heavy construction equipment is gone, painting is just about complete and designers are moving furniture in to prepare for the program book photo shoot. Here in the Master Bedroom Sitting Room, Saxony Street Design Group www.saxonystreet.com, is just about ready for the big reveal.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The picture above was taken by California Waterscapes as they begin work on their pond installation. The backyard is being transformed into a relaxing escape that will be filled with the soothing sound of flowing water. The pond will be the perfect place to unwind with a good book or spend time feeding the koi fish. Be sure and check back soon to see more pictures as the project progresses!